This research, originally titled "Crimes I
have seen," was commissioned by the Crime Reduction in Schools Project
(CRISP). Ted Leggett of the University of Natal, Durban, collected the
data. It was commissioned in order to gather a clearer understanding of
young people's experiences of crime and in this way to inform interventions
that address their experiences of crime.
Learners between the ages of 10 - 19 from a range of
urban schools were invited to compose and submit accounts of the crimes
they had witnessed. Few of the learners however can be regarded as being
purely witnesses of crime. A great majority were either directly or indirectly
involved as victims, survivors, and/or perpetrators of criminal activities.
The preliminary report carries an analysis of a random
100 submissions. A final report will become available once the other approximately
300 submissions have been worked through. The content of the submissions
provide incredible depth of understanding into how the innocence of young
children has been assaulted by crime. Their writing portrays vivid accounts
of harsh experiences.
Children hailed from 15 different communities including;
Umlazi, Sea View, Kwa Mashu, Ntzuma, Newlands East, Westville, Lamontville,
Hillary, Kwa Ndengezi, Inkanyezi-Kwa Zimele, Phoenix, Umbilo, Inanda,
Bluff and Yellowwood Park.
Some express contention about their place of residence
stating that it is ridden by crime, violence, swearing, and that it is
"not conducive for them to grow up in".
Ninety-seven of the 100 young people indicated whom
they reside with. Of these 97 only 43 indicated that they were living
with both parents. Most others lived with guardians, aunts, uncles, friends,
single parents and grandparents. Some accounts are vociferous about their
unhappiness with their living arrangements especially where parents are
absent and they have to assume adult roles. It is becoming increasingly
important that single parents, guardians, grandparents and significant
others be brought on board to keep them abreast with new developments
occurring with children under their care and within the Education System
per se'.
Statements Made About Crime
There is a growing awareness among young children about
crime as a 'social ill' and their feelings are that people must band together
"without looking at the colour of each others skin" to fight crime.
Pertinent statements include:
- Crime affects me in lots of ways, my father was hijacked,
it was very scary
- I think crime is the root of all evil
- Crime is like a decease we are trying to fight
- The fear and terror we live in will never end
- Crime is nasty
- Hope no one robs my work when I'm big
- Poor commit crimes because of economic necessity
- Old grannies are getting raped, we will never be
Nature of Crimes
The types of crimes witnessed range across the entire
spectrum. These included:
- Hijacking,
- alcohol related crimes,
- domestic violence,
- drug trafficking,
- house breaking,
- drunken driving,
- murder,
- robbery,
- rape,
- attempted rape,
- jackrolling, (gang rape),
- shoplifting,
- cruelty to animals,
- politically motivated incidents,
- racial violence and intolerance,
- gang activity and ·
- corporal punishment.
More focused attention has been given to each of the
abovementioned crimes in the remainder of this report. The number next
to the heading of each type of crime indicates the frequency at which
the crime was witnessed.
Gang Activity (5).
Children who hail from households faced with unemployment
and the crises in education use these as a reason for dropping out of
school. These children are also easy targets for gang membership. School
aged youth are being preyed upon to distribute drugs such as mandrax at
schools where there seems to be a ready market for such commodity.
Gangs are on the lookout for opportunistic information.
Information about security guards on strike created an opportunity for
gang related warfare. An example given was mention of a robbery by a gang
at Metrorail whilst security guards were on strike.
Domestic Violence (8)
Many have witnessed domestic violence that spills onto
the streets. One child lived within an abusive relationship, while another
thought that it was right for her parents to be divorced since all they
did when together was fight. There is one account of a son stabbing his
mother on Christmas day.
Children and families would benefit greatly from the
dissemination of information relating to the Family Violence Act. This
could help to curb the disintegration of families and communities and
the information dissemination could take place at school level.
Corporal Punishment (2)
The instances reported point to the fact that creative
alternatives to discipline are necessary at parent level. The administering
of corporal punishment by school staff and parents are clearly a violation
of regulation. In the two reported cases, parents are the perpetrators.
Animal Cruelty (1)
The witness wrote…."two men shot a cat which landed
in the river, police arrested men, cat was taken to the hospital (veterinarian)".
Car/Vehicle Hijacking (9)
Three accounts included mention of the type of weapon
used in car hijackings - a gun. With regard to the timing, four speak
of the incidents occurring in the early part of the morning and one occurring
in the evening.
House-Breaking (13)
Families are terrorised by thugs who burst into their
homes and demand expensive items.
Rape (7)
Of the seven cases of rape mentioned, six involved
females as the target. Three cases were related to gang rape. In two cases
a family member (uncle) of the survivors were perpetrators while one case
involved a brother's friend who is known to be HIV positive. In one case
a male was raped by a man known in the neighbourhood.
Murder (10)
Extreme violence and aggression accompanied these acts.
Six cases mention the use of guns. The nature of the murders included;
- grandparents shot dead,
- grandmother of a friend shot two days before Christmas,
- two taxi drivers shot dead in separate incidents,
- a man shot on street,
- a father killed by gunrunning men,
- a man pelted by rocks,
- a brother stabbed to death,
- an old woman accosted and hit to death with an iron
pole, and
- a child giving a distressing account of the
murder of her father, she says "they slaughtered him like a cow ".
Robbery (33)
Victims of robbery included a blind man and essential
service workers. In one account, workmen from essential services working
in a township were held at gunpoint and robbed of their belongings.
One was shot dead and the other severely injured. In the child's words
"…they were left lying on the street while neighbours shut their doors
for they were too scared of getting involved."
Accidents (9)
A child wrote - "I have seen some of the most terrible
things in the world."
One of the incidents reported was a situation where
a school child was knocked over by a bus in which the writer was a
passenger. She suspected the driver of being drunk. Passengers were
asked to remove their belongings from the bus and the driver drove
off. The case was reported to police by a member of the public.
Most accidents were attributed to drunken driving,
speeding and disobeying traffic rules. Many children were the victims.
Stemming from this finding detailed talks with the Road Traffic Inspectorate
would be of value regarding the curriculum for new driver's licence
and in particular with respect to the legal consequences of traffic
violations and road etiquette.
Feelings Associated With Crimes Witnessed A range
of intense feelings emerged from the participants. These included:
"Children grow up in the world of fear and
grow with amiss memories." This statement portrays the concise way
in which children are impacted upon. Families live in fear of losing
their children and belongings to criminals in their communities.
Children are expressing that there is great fear
in being implicated, or being seen, as a witness. A learner who witnesses
an incident where peers were involved in shoplifting is drenched with
fear. They asked her to 'keep her mouth shut', she asked 'what's in
it' for her and they calmly showed her a bullet to silence her. A
child who witnessed a racial attack on the train left the coach and
moved to the next, both the perpetrator and the victim were school
Community members were fearful of being seen or
assumed to be witnesses - the repercussions are considered too great.
Their lives are invaluable as opposed to monetary compensation to
bring the perpetrators to book or be under witness protection to divulge
information. "We live in constant fear", "I keep asking myself why
did this happen to me?" are some of the questions that they raise.
A young child aged ten, mentioned that he does
not live with his mother because she died when he was young. He says
"That is what my father tells me". This child clearly, is very unsettled
by this explanation. Children are curious and perceptive.
The submissions point to the way in which children
are confused about how the world is operating contrary to the way
they know it is supposed to, that is safe and secure. Their understanding
that playing in the park and feeding fish at a pond is safe is often
assaulted by the harsh realities of violence and crime. They are suddenly
aware that their context is not safe. They are stalked by a strange
man who follows them and hastens his pace as they do. Energy that
could be spent in a positive way has to be curtailed or may be misdirected
because the park is unsafe. Caregivers will have to seek other creative
and constructive ways of utilising this energy.
They are confused about why innocent families have
to fall victims to thugs who burst into their homes, harass and terrorise
them. One child spoke of men who demanded her older sister but, fortunately,
did not get her. Parents and siblings are in constant fear. They question,
'why my child, why my father and why my sister?'
Disappointment has been expressed on a number of
issues. These are the perceptions of children and we may want to look
at ways of changing these perceptions.
Disappointment around issues such as having to
relocate due to crime, the unhappiness and disruption within the family,
school disruption and readjustment to new surroundings were all expressed.
Other disappointments expressed included the lack
of freedom of speech, that women did not seem to have the right to
say 'no' and that children were being sold as sex objects.
"I have seen parents selling their children
for money. Do you think selling your child will give you the world?''
This account was written with immense undertones of resentment for
parents and adults who abuse their children's rights.
Police procedures and conduct are also questioned.
The image of the police has been tainted by what these young eyes
have witnessed. The ability of police to maintain law and order in
the country was under serious question by our young people. Great
contention surrounded the inefficiency with which cases were processed.
At one gruesome crime scene "nobody called the cops fearing disappointment",
the child reported.
Police have been seen smoking dagga (cannabis)
with gang members in the area. There was a feeling that nobody would
investigate police brutality and that the police were above the law.
The following statements support this notion;
"It tears my heart to pieces to know that
people in the Townships will always be victims of police" "They don't
break the law (they) only twist it.'' The questions being asked of
the police included: "What are they doing to improve our communities?
Is it wise to have police if they are not doing their jobs properly?
What is the Government paying them for?"
Police Involvement
Credit to police with regard their involvement
was rare in the responses. Their experiences of police intervention
in the crimes they have seen generally revolved around:
- non-delivery,
- non-response,
- late-response,
- drunk on duty,
- no feedback on investigations,
- condescending attitudes, and
- excuses such as "no vans" and "nothing we can
Thankfulness And Appreciation
Thanks are expressed to patrol officers at a railway
station who were extra vigilant on Friday afternoons. There was a
request for increased visibility of patrol officers on the last days
of school terms which seemed to be more problematic as it was these
times when the young people felt most vulnerable to criminals.
Participation in the written submissions had been
in some ways an avenue to give vent to some pent-up feelings. This
was gauged from the following remarks "thanks for listening" and "thanks
for reading, I feel much better now" .
Perpetrator (76)
In seventy-six submissions there was mention of
a perpetrator. The gender bias in the perpetration of crime moved
heavily towards males. Except for one case which involved school girls
in a shoplifting incident all others involved males.
The serious crimes were perpetrated by adolescent
males advancing into early adulthood. Mention is made of ages ranging
from 15 to 25. Women seemed to be easy targets but equally men were
also victims of more serious assault and violence.
The accounts suggest that there is an alarming
awareness of the neglect and the need for focused education of boys
in particular. Intervention programmes and education of boys per sJ
has to come under intense scrutiny. A few critical aspects that come
to the fore as a result of close scrutiny of the data include; socialisation,
discipline, control from within as opposed to control from outside,
values, morality, issues of 'maleness', developmental difficulties,
gangs and gang membership, civic responsibility, sex and sexuality
Weapon Most Frequently Used
Guns were the most frequently used weapons, followed
by knives.
Unanticipated Consequences of Underreporting
Of Crime
The underreporting of crime must not be underestimated
and can be attributed to the lack of confidence expressed in the ability
of police to resolve cases and provide feedback.
Children are explicit in their submissions with
regard the need not to divulge personal information. Great fear and
threat accompanies the status of witness. Indeed, many have indicated
a preference for death rather than being a witness called to testify.
They see 'witness-hood' as placing their lives in serious jeopardy.
One student who witnessed a shoplifting incident was shown a bullet
to silence her, yet another stated "I've made a decision of rather
dying softly than physically get beaten to open my mouth."
There is sufficient data to indicate that an array
of intense feelings is evoked in children who have in some way experienced
crime. Children are left to their own devices to manage and deal with
these feelings, personal conflicts and dilemmas. The life stage they
find themselves in already has its own challenges and difficulties
so additional unresolved and intense issues may impact further on
their ability to cope.
Thus far there has been no mention of any form
of counselling in the reports analysed. Within the education system
the often lacking formally trained guidance counsellor at schools
leaves children with little or no supportive structures they can turn
to. Given the nature of their experiences and the fact that less than
half of the respondents lived with both parents, the need for some
form of supportive and nurturing person or context may become all
the more pertinent.
The analysis of these submissions begs a few questions.
These questions include:
- In what way are school authorities and children
critically evaluating their development or non-development?
- In what way are we modifying our approach to deal
with the complexities that face the youth?
- How interconnected are all the organisations
that deal with youth issues?
Parents and the Community
One cannot overemphasise the need for the collaboration
of school personnel, parents, members of the community (both private
and business) and Governmental and Non- governmental organisations,
all of whom need to work together to provide educational opportunities
that promote knowledge, responsibility and caring.
For complex reasons parental involvement in school
related matters are at a low. At a National level one would like to
see a formal Participation Plan for Parents, Guardians and Caregivers
entrenched in the Schools Act in order to create links and build relationships
between home, community and school life.
Context based parent meetings might be a way of
building the links, since relating to people within their own contexts
are less intimidating. Visits to the areas that children hail from
would give a clearer and different understanding of various issues.
This is particularly the case where schools exist in neighbourhoods
that differ from the learner 'source' community.
The varied living conditions, life spaces and community
contexts of children must be taken cognisance of since these place
varying demands and challenges.
Education about the Consequences Of Crime
Special efforts must be made to educate youth against
choosing crime as an alternative. Concomitant efforts must be made
to steer our young people towards more constructive ways of engaging
themselves in society.
Some aspects that could receive special attention
would include:
- Disrepute and Criminal Record
- Court appearances, warnings and implications
thereof, and
- Information about the legal system to correct
misconceptions and inaccuracies in understanding.
One child had a first hand experience of court
procedures having been charged with shoplifting. His comprehension
of the process is fraught with inaccuracies that could impact on the
likelihood of his continued potential criminal behaviour. For him,
his "free lawyer proved he was under age and not supposed to be imprisoned."
Little attention is paid to the fact that he may indeed have been
guilty of a crime.
The question arises as to whether youth who are
summoned to court are briefed about legal procedures, and then debriefed
after sentencing to ensure they fully understand their actions and
the decisions taken in court. These may include limited options with
respect to opportunities for future employment, community trust and
even emigration.
The submissions are indicative of the extensive
and intensive nature of the cruelty inflicted by humans on other humans
and animals with no sign of abatement of violence, selfishness and
The overall impression from the submissions is
that there is an increasing awareness of egoistic principles at play
which underlie most criminal behaviour. The integration of altruistic
principles which involve deeds that are done out of the genuine concern
for other human beings must reverberate throughout curricula and society
at large.
Empathy, listening, mediation, conflict resolution,
respect and problem solving are skills that are obviously lacking
among adults and children alike and need urgent attention.
According to the Children's rights resource handbook,
44% of South Africans are legally children. As adults, whether professionals
or non professionals, we have an obligation and responsibility which
is often not taken seriously enough. This is the obligation to protect
the emotional, physical, social, intellectual and spiritual wellbeing
of our children. The nature of the crimes, as well as the perpetrators
of such indicates that our commitment to the youth is lacking in the
Our efforts in thoroughly understanding youth issues
are in question. We must be cautious of non-involvement because we
are creating rods that will return and beat us on the back. We must
work with intense vigour to respond to a child's statement that… "young
children are left with scary memories that will be forever in their
minds, this prevents them from developing to their full potential
because they are scared."