Since our early beginnings in
April 1990, a substantial portion of our work has always been within the
education sector. A history of this work can be found in our 2001
Ten Year Review. Over this time our work has constantly evolved
with a continuous thread which involved the provision of information, training and facilitation around numerous
issues such as.
- Mediation, conflict management and peace education,
- Co operative learning and participative school management,
- School safety and security
- HIV / Aids interventions.
One of our areas of special interest is whole school development and
we have provided training, material and facilitation in order to assist schools
in developing safe environments in which learning can occur.
Over the last few years funding for work in schools has decreased substantially and we have reduced our work in
this area. However we continue to
strongly believe that Safe Schools are a pre requisite for a democratic and safe South Africa!
To this end we continue to host a Safe Schools Website.
You can also complete an online questionnaire to measure your School
Safety Rating.
In the past projects have included:
- Community Alliance for Safe Schools
Schools Management Training (which includes
Management Briefings)
Character Building in Schools Project
Action Aids Project
Trauma Action Group
Against Bullying
IPT Publications and Research Articles
Your School from Violence & Crime: Guidelines
* 'These Guidelines
are in Adobe Acrobat format'
Your School from Violence & Crime : 1999/2000
An evaluation of a one year pilot project conducted in three schools
in Durban, KwaZulu-Natal
Your School from Violence & Crime : 2000/2001
An evaluation of the second phase of a pilot project designed to measure
the impact on a greater range of schools in a variety of areas (in PDF
Other publications which may be of interest are also available:
2005 - Changes in the Education System
the Right Thing - IPT, Effective Schools and Education for Democracy
at Risk: The Security Situation in Durban Schools
Audit of Crime and Violence in Durban Schools 1998
A Literature Review of Interventions and Programmes dealing with Youth
Violence in Urban Schools in South Africa July 1999
I have seen : Article
Impact of Violence on High School Learners in the Durban Area
Strengths Perspective : Family Resource Centres as a medium for Crime
Prevention and Reduction in Schools
Several archival issues of insight @ ipt,
a previous web based publication, have also focussed on issues within
the education sector. Education Resources and Training
Peace Begins
With Me : Training Aid
Conflict Busters
: A Conflict Resolving Pocket Book
* Marked articles are in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.
Click the "Get Acrobat Reader"
button to download and install the reader if required.