KwaZulu-Natal Crime Prevention NetworkWhile working on a one year Crime Prevention Audit, in 2000/2001 it became apparent that there was little communication between representatives from the different initiatives that we were engaging with. It also became apparent that those involved in various crime prevention projects could benefit from learning about the experiences of people involved in other projects. As a result we took the initiative of holding several networking meetings although these were not part of the audit project as originally envisaged. The follow-up meetings that were set up in response to their requests were also positive experiences for project representatives who now suggest a strong need for a 'permanent' networking structure with a broader range of participants. Among the issues that this 'networking forum' would want to address, which have emerged from research and joint discussion, are, inter alia:
Geographic focus of the project The project is focussing on the Durban Metro area, which was one of the areas of the original audit. Objectives of the project