Community Alliance for Safe Schools : CASS
Brief Introduction to the IPT-sponsored Community Alliance for Safe Schools
CASS is an alliance of existing government, non-government, community-based, and voluntary
organisations who are joining forces to fight school-based violence and crime. The idea first emerged
from a briefing and workshop held at the offices of the Independent Projects Trust on November 18,
1997. The IPT presented findings based on extensive
quantitative and qualitative research into violence at Durban schools. The assembled body of
representing some forty different organisations then decided that a community-based response to the
crisis was required. Numerous workshops were conducted over the next few months until the
Community Alliance for Safe Schools emerged with a mission statement (see below).
Mission Statement:
The Community Alliance for Safe Schools (CASS) emerged from a set of democratic and transparent agreements among voluntary, non-government, community-based, and government organisations concerned with unacceptably high levels of crime in and around schools. We have organised for the primary objective of pooling our human and organisational resources to effect three goals:
Our main activities
include the provision of public information regarding school safety, training of school governing
bodies in techniques and methods for providing security, and mobilising community resources
through workshops, communication, partnerships, and ongoing research. CASS is organised on
the principle of serving those in greatest need and therefore targets areas most vulnerable to crime.
Delivering Skills
Cass works directly with School Governing Bodies by providing training, information, and
facilitation services on these subjects:
Organisations participating in CASS meetings as of 29 April 1998
City Police South African Police Service KZN Human Rights Forum Culture of Learning Teaching and Service Campaign (COLTS) South African Democratic Teachers Union Association of Professional Educators of KwaZulu-Natal Rotary Against Crime KwaZulu-Natal Department of Welfare KZN Department of Education and Culture (various units) Department of Social Work, University of Natal Anglican Church Southern Life Foundation Association of Governing Bodies (Phoenix) School Governing Bodies (various) KZN Youth Council Southern Natal Childrens' Rights Committee Durban Youth Radio British Council Isphamandla Society Media (various education reporters) Ministers of Parliament (various national and provincial) School Governance Training Unit Mayor's Office (Metropolitan Council) Ntuzuma College Survivors of Violence Security Consultants (various) Political Parties (various including MPs and MPPs) Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Education Phoenix Child Welfare British Consulate IDASA
In May 2001 the IPT's CASS project and the Crime Reduction in Schools Project (CRISP), formally based at the University of Natal Durban, agreed to a merger which saw these two pivotal role players in school safety and youth crime reduction joining forces under the auspices of IPT. This significant move will result in the creation of a powerful joint force in facilitating safer schools in KwaZulu Natal, and in due course, South Africa. The announcement coincided with the celebration of IPT's eleventh year of highly successful operation, and the end of CRISP's two year pilot phase.
For more information Newsletter / Administration: Valerie Smith 27 31 305-8422
Research: Colin Collett van Rooyen 27 31 305-8422 If you wish to find out more about CASS or be included on the mailing list click here.
All material © Copyright Independent Projects Trust 1990-2003 |